Play And Train Dog Academy's courses are designed to help you build a strong and positive relationship with your furry friend through play-based training techniques. Whether you're a first-time dog owner or have raised several pups, our expert instructors we will guide you through every step of the way to ensure a happy and well-behaved pup. We offer courses for dogs of all ages! Let's get started on this exciting journey together!

"Training from home is a lifesaver!"

- Kevin, Ga

Everything Puppy

8 Weeks to 5 Months

Are you getting a new dog and can't figure out where to start? This course provides you with all the training, information and troubleshooting you will need ensure a happy pup and home!

Potty Training 101
Dogs of All Ages


Tricks For Treats

Coming Soon!!


Hi, I’m Ivy!

Through my years of training I've learned that training should be fun!! We often spend loads of time correcting our dogs and not praising them enough. Through play we make the training fun and exciting for the entire family, not just one person!

I decided to put together these online courses for owners who are just too busy to come to in person training. Their schedules were to busy or the drive was too far or just the weather was bad for the season. Training still needs to happen no matter what!! Online training provides you with all the training material while allowing the flexibility to work with your schedule!